Young People Losing Everything

Losing Everything

Young People Losing Everything: Organized fraudsters are stealing the money of young people in the name of freelancing, showing the lure of earning large sums of money at home. They are losing everything in the trap of profit. However, many people do not seek legal remedies for fear of embarrassment and additional trouble.

Cause to lose everything

Analysts say that the number of cyber fraudsters is increasing day by day. As if there is a cyber fraudster standing every yard. An Android phone, a laptop or a computer in hand has become the biggest weapon of cyber fraudsters. And since the victims do not complain, the number of these fraudsters is also increasing day by day.

Young People Losing Everything

According to the investigation, organized fraudsters make lucrative offers of freelancing by advertising on social media including Facebook, YouTube. Young people are attract by these advertisements and come in contact with organize fraudsters. The fraudsters then also make some monetary payments in return for their work. At one point, after gaining trust, they extorted huge sums of money from the youth and cut off contact.

A case of losing everything

A young man named Arafat Hossain recently filed a case in Rampura police station after being a victim of this kind of fraud. He said that he saw the advertisement of earning 5000 taka per day by outsourcing in a simple way at home on the social media Facebook.

Arafat Hossain contacted the number given in the advertisement on WhatsApp. He was then initially given simple tasks like Google Map Review and Online Voting System Upgrade. After doing those tasks the fraudsters paid him Rs 450 through BKash. This increased Arafat Hossain’s faith. The fraudsters then added Arafat to a Telegram group. He was inform that if he invests 2000 taka, he will get 2800 taka as dividend. Then on October 29 last year, Arafat sent Tk 2000 to the Bikash number given to them. In return he was given 2800 rupees as dividend. Arafat fell into greed. Fraudsters took 23 thousand rupees from him in two stages. If he wants the dividend of that money, he is asked to send another 36 thousand rupees.

After sending 36 thousand rupees, part of the profit of that money is sent. With such a novel strategy, the fraud gang stopped communication after grabbing 1 lakh 49 thousand rupees from Arafat Hossain. In this incident, Arafat filed a complaint at Rampura police station. Based on the source of the complaint, the members of the cyber crime wing of the Anti-Terrorism Unit-ATU confirmed that Himel and Musharraf were the masterminds of the gang. On January 14, the cyber crime wing of the ATU arrested Mosharraf. But Himmel remains elusive. Not just one incident, during the interrogation the fraudster Musharraf said that he had committed numerous such frauds. He has grabbed at least crores of rupees by luring the youth for profit.

Conclusion of Young People Losing Everything

According to the concerned sources, there are numerous such cycles in the cyber space. They are extorting money from the youth by adopting novel strategies. ATU Superintendent of Police Barrister Mahfuzul Alam Russell said that Bangladesh has entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution in line with the current world. The main theme of the fourth industrial revolution is the advancement of technology. The advancement of technology is playing a leading role in the development of human life. However, organized gangs are committing various types of online crimes (cybercrime) using this knowledge of technology. A part of this is fraud with alluring lures in the name of online freelancing and young people losing everything. He urged the young society to work with awareness to escape from the clutches of such fraudsters.

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information source: internet

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